During the 80's and the 90's, Rudy Houston, had gained popularity and a claim in the entertainment industry as a quadruple threat, actor dancer model and singer. You may remember him as Janet Jackson's love interest in the music video what have you done for me lately? And pebble's male lead in her Mercedes Boy music video. In addition, Rudy's other credits include performing in the original New York Broadway production of Dreamgirls, Lethal Weapon 2 film, and fame TV series just to name a few. After a lengthy Hiatus from the entertainment industry, in order to transition from male to female, Rudy became Lana Houston. She has decided to resume her career and is currently seeking a writer, producer, to assist her in collaboration with her one-woman autobiographical show and TV series.

Her sex change journey has been a long road, which for the most part, remained out of the media’s broad reach, until now because Houston is back and wants the world to know.“Yes, it is true that I have transitioned from male to female,” Houston said in a statement. “I began my transition from male to female in 1995. I needed time away from the entertainment industry to find my inner peace and embark on my intense and wonderful journey to womanhood. I am finally at peace. I am currently residing in L.A., where I work as an artist painting portraits and abstracts.” Houston said she is grateful for her sex transition and to have fans. She is also looking for songwriters and music producers to collaborate with..

Lana Houston has successfully transitioned. The former heartthrob that many of women were fantasizing about, is now a woman in her own right. Lana deserves nothing but support and respect for doing what her heart told her to do, no matter what the social stigma is, or was, for her following her transition.
The interesting thing is that, before her transistion to female, there were many men who would have love to trade places with his former person. Women were damn near throwing themselves at Rudy back in the day and willing to do whatever he requested just to please him, but for Lana, that just wasn’t her true self. She was living a life inside of a body that didn’t feel like an authentic reflection of who she was on the inside. With the transition now completed she is free to feel whom her mind reflects.

The statement below was quoted by sources, regarding what Lana Houston said about her transition from male to female:“I am formerly known as Rudy Houston, I am now known as ‘Lana.’ I appreciate all thoughts and concerns and I appreciate your interest in my whereabouts. Yes, it is true that I have transitioned from male to female. I began my transition from male to female in 1995. I needed time away from the entertainment industry to find my inner peace, and to embark on my intense, and wonderful journey to womanhood. I am finally at peace and comfortable in my skin. I am currently residing in LA where I work as an artist painting portraits, and abstracts. Although I took a break from show business, I am contemplating on coming back. I’m currently in the market for songwriters/music producers to collaborate with. Again, thanks to all those concerned about my whereabouts. I’m back from the ‘Dead.’ Sincerely, LANA (aka) Rudy Houston”. In the speeches of fight against discrimination in the media, stereotypes are considered as negative representations which must be guarded against, distorted images which lead to discrimination. A linear logic is then constructed between media representations, social representations and social behaviors. We just wanted to spread the word about Lana Houston, who is from the old school music era, and remains in the mind of many. We can wonder if the world would give her as many props and support as they’ve given Caitlyn Jenner if they actually knew Lana’s story too.
Sources: Youtube.com, Nokyo 2022, Newsline 2022